Holy Shrines

Audio translations of Ghadir sermon to be released

Audio files of Ghadir sermon’s translations into six languages are planned to be published by the Amir Al-Mumenin, peace be upon him, Center of Translation in the holy city of Najaf, Iraq.



Audio files of Ghadir sermon’s translations into six languages are planned to be published by the Amir Al-Mumenin, peace be upon him, Center of Translation in the holy city of Najaf, Iraq.

According to Mizab news agency, the center is affiliated to the Intellectual and Cultural Affairs Section Imam Ali’s, peace be upon him, holy shrine.

The project is being implemented in cooperation with the Libraries Section of the holy shrine aiming to introduce the sermon in different languages through the media.

Hassanain Imad Shaba’, director of the public relations office of the center, said that the sermon has been recorded in English, French, German, Turkish, Urdu and Persian.

He added that the translations will be aired on the occasion of Eid Al-Ghadir by the radio and the satellite channels of the holy shrine.

Ghadir Sermon is a sermon delivered by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) where he introduced Ali, peace be upon him, as the Wali (guardian) of Muslims. The prophet (PBUH& his pure progeny) delivered this sermon on Dhul-Hijjah 18 of 10 A.H./ March 19, 632) on the return from Hajjat al-Wida’ [Hajj of Farewell] in a place called Ghadir Khumm.


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